The Tallit Project
Our Thanks
The Jewish Grandparents Network is deeply grateful to Mike Leven whose loving stories of his grandfather catalyzed the Tallit Project and whose support made it possible.
We gratefully acknowledge the support, dedication, and expertise of the following contributors to the Tallit Project:
Debra Siroka, Tallit Project Manager and Author
Code Conspirators, web designers
The Covenant Foundation, funder
Debra Corman, proofreader
Sarah Gluck, author Tallit Workshop Program Guide
Rabbi Jen Gubitz, video presenter, consultant
Dylan Hillburn, teen video presenter
Terry Kaye, JGN Associate Director
JGN’s Teen Advisory Council:
Dylan Dickson; Adin Eisenstadt-Feil; Liora Pelavin; Annelia Ritter; Sage Vogelstein
Amy Lassman, tallit artist
Mike Leven, benefactor
Evan Mauner, videographer
Rahel Musleah, editor
Chloe Penn, teen video presenter
Sadie Braunstein; Debra Corman; Jessica Dickson; Lauri Exley Photography; Stephanie Fink; Gateways: Access to Jewish Education; Sarah Gluck; Cantor Deborah Katchko Gray; Deborah Stern Harris; Amy Lassman; Rahel Musleah;; Alex Paul Photography; Jo Resnick Rosen; Lee Rosenfield; Barbara Rosenthal; Union for Reform Judaism;; Debby Weiss; Harriet Wolpoff; Valerie Owens-Wright; Deborah Zemke (artist)
David Raphael, JGN Executive Director
Hila Ratzabi, ritualist
Sarah Reid, JGN Administrative Associate
Judy Sandman, copyeditor
Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough, New Jersey, home of the Tallit Workshop
Ilene Vogelstein, JGN President
Winter & Winter, Tallit Workshop Program Guide designer
Ellen Kahan Zager, graphic and web designer