B*Mitzvah Project
Grandparents’ Role in Their Grandchildren’s B-Mitzvah Experience

In many B-Mitzvah ceremonies, the Torah is passed from the grandparents to the parents and finally to the B-Mitzvah teen. This represents the passing on of our Jewish traditions l’dor vador, from one generation to the next. What if we could move beyond this metaphor and create a range of opportunities for grandparents and other family members to elevate the B-Mitzvah experience?
With the support of the Covenant Foundation and Mike Leven, the Jewish Grandparents Network is reimagining the role of grandparents in their grandchildren’s B-Mitzvah celebration. Together, let’s explore joyful opportunities to inspire new meaning, transmit values, share stories, and create cherished B-Mitzvah memories.
The term B-Mitzvah is a non-gendered way of recognizing this important milestone in our children’s lives.
Click HERE for a report about reimagining grandparents’ roles in
their grandchildren’s B-Mitzvah Experience.
Making Meaning
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